Bar Sprezzatura in Downtown San Francisco

的 Most Romantic
Restaurants In San Francisco


还有什么能比在贝博体彩app吃一顿难忘的大餐更浪漫呢? In a city with an unparalleled 烹饪的场景, 当你计划和你的另一半共度一个特别的夜晚时,你不会没有选择. Here are some of the most romantic restaurants in San Francisco.



Nothing says romance quite like tapas. When you want to relax, Abrazo 是一个亲密的西班牙世外桃源在俄罗斯山服务加利福尼亚/西班牙菜精心采购的原料. Known for superb presentation of modern Spanish cuisine, such as charred octopus or sea食物 paella, their wine selection covers both Spain and California. 的 缆车 如果你想在鲍威尔-海德缆车线上轻松地乘坐到阿布拉索,那么它就会从窗外经过. 

Bar Sprezzatura

One Maritime Plaza

Bar Sprezzatura 白天是一个受欢迎的午餐地点,晚上是一个休闲的开胃菜和奇凯蒂酒吧. 你会发现传统的意大利鸡尾酒和一些经典的新花样. 这些是搭配菜单上的比萨饼,克鲁多,意大利面,和各种各样的肉类和奶酪的选择. 的 perfect romantic night out on the town!  



When you're looking for a quaint restaurant for date night, 钻孔 在浪漫的环境中享受精致的服务和加利福尼亚式的法式美食是一个理想的地方吗. Located above the Stockton Tunnel near 联合广场厨师根据当地农民提供的最新鲜的食材制作菜单. For a truly affordable evening, 选择定价为每人55美元的三道菜套餐(如有).



Whether for a birthday or a special occasion, 帽子! 自1996年以来一直是贝博体彩app浪漫晚餐的地方. A quaint French restaurant in the Richmond district,您可以选择点菜,也可以选择每人68美元的三道菜固定菜单. 帽子! 这里有来自法国各地的葡萄酒和香槟,令人印象深刻. Now that's something to say 帽子!, or "wow," about. 


838 Divisadero St.

Throughout Italy “格瓦拉Fico!” serves as an expression of enthusiasm and admiration. Handmade pasta, pizzas and seasonal Cal-意大利 fare, plus wine & cocktails await you and your date in chic top-floor digs.

Dandelion Chocolate


带着你自己(和你的爱人),踏上一段甜蜜的旅程 Dandelion Chocolate. You'll find everything chocolate, 从欧洲人喝巧克力和Bruleed Brioche到巧克力粥, and a full menu of mochas and cold chocolate drinks. While chocolate is their forte, they have savory items on the menu that are just as delicious, as well as an extensive afternoon tea menu. While they have various locations, 他们在第16街的位置有一个非常适合instagram的绽放沙龙,为您提供完美的浪漫环境. 如果你想看看他们的巧克力是如何制作的,他们也有自己的工厂.


369 Embarcadero

当美景将你的用餐提升到一个不同的水平,那么你的经历就真的是史诗般的了. At 史诗的牛排, you'll feel as if you can reach out and touch the Bay Bridge. 在厨房里, 烧木头的烤炉和烤架为烤和牛提供了一种烟雾缭绕的感觉, 而冰鲜海鲜则让你品尝湾区最好的贝类.



Frascati 是一家亲密的社区小酒馆,提供以“完美”著称的菜肴吗.和你的另一半一起,欣赏昏暗的灯光和暖色调. 他们出色的意大利菜,如猪排和自制甜点,都受到了欧洲的影响. A charming Russian Hill restaurant, 你甚至可能想乘坐浪漫的缆车去弗拉斯卡蒂,因为鲍威尔海德缆车就在前面经过. 

Kokkari Estiatorioz


Once you step inside Kokkari Estiatorio you will know that a special evening awaits. 的 fireplace creates a warm, 舒适的氛围,他们掌握了现代希腊美食,如羊排在他们的豆科植物烤架上完美, traditional Greek baked moussaka, and baklava ice cream. 的 stellar bar at Kokkari is not to be missed.

Mathilde French Bistro


Taking your special someone to the theater? Enjoy a romantic pre-show dinner at Mathilde French Bistro in SoMa just blocks from San Francisco's theater district. From the bar, start off with two glasses of French 75 or champagne. 选择坐在里面或舒适的,有盖的后院(它是加热的)!),以分享经典的法式菜肴,如红烧羊腿或油封鸭, followed by decadent profiteroles for dessert. 就像在法国一样,选择固定价格的菜单来享受一顿丰盛的晚餐.


669 Townsend St.

约会之夜并不总是需要数周的计划和你最好的衣服. 有时你只需要出去走走,和你的伴侣通过美食和饮料重新联系. 输入 Okane, a 日本-style izakaya and sushi restaurant, 那里的海鲜非常新鲜,每天都从东京著名的筑地鱼市空运过来. Pour a glass of beer or sake, choose a selection of grilled skewers and nigiri, and spend time bonding with your best friend.


399 Embarcadero

这里有新鲜的海鲜和海湾大桥的壮丽景色,都值得在instagram上分享, 在你开始用餐之前,你会想和你的伴侣拍张照片. Waterbar的 菜单功能, among many other things, 大量的牡蛎选择和丰富的鱼子酱选择完美的一个颓废的约会之夜.


Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, San Francisco and the Bay Area, 食物 & drink, outdoor experiences, and cross-cultural storytelling. 她的作品发表于《贝博体彩》和《贝博体彩app》(天际线学院). Before travel writing, 她的专业背景包括在国际商业领域工作, 非营利组织, 和政府. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.

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